social-nurturing-with-linkedin-twitter-facebook-google-plusIn today’s multimedia environment, we have recognized that the most effective way to reach potential candidates is to reach out to them on multiple social media platforms and through our custom built database.

Each campaign is custom built to meet the specific needs of each client.

Our marketing strategy seeks to reach candidates through custom targeted media results driven searches.

  • We run regular email campaigns through our database providing candidates with useful information and advice.
  • Using a Google adwords expert, we design a specific advertising campaign for you that links directly to our website.
  • We create a unique branded landing page that is linked to all advertising campaigns that allows us to measure the results for each individual campaign.
  • We advertise on all relevant social media including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn. We passively recruit on social media via messaging and working within trade groups.
  • We advertise across a variety of job boards which are specifically chosen to match your requirements and suit your campaign.
  • We monitor the results of your campaign on an ongoing basis and make adjustments to increase effectiveness as the campaign develops.