It is really important to be fully prepared in advance of the move. Four immediate costs you will have to take into account include:

  •  Costs of flights
  • Costs and plans for accommodation
  • Shipping of personal belongings
  • Costs of living for the first month
  • Costs of visa

Also, some of the main things you need to take into consideration are: Renting / buying property, purchasing a car, cost of energy rates, cost of groceries, schools, healthcare, tax etc. Researching your location in more detail can help put your mind at ease and ensure you are fully prepared for all eventualities.  The following sites may be useful:

More information:

Living in Canada


  • Whether you are planning to rent or buy in Canada, make sure you have somewhere to stay for the first few weeks. Rentals generally start at the end of the month so plan your trip to arrive a couple of weeks before and see what is available.
  • Most properties in Canada will be unfurnished, cheap furniture can be found commonly on websites like and thrift shops. IKEA outlets are also located close to most major cities.
  • You may also need a landlord reference letter.

For further information on housing:


Apply for a Social Insurance Number. You will need present your work permit, passport and employment contract when applying for this.

Apply here:

  • Get your Canadian Driver’s License
  • Open a Bank Account
  • Obtain a Mobile Sim Card for Canada

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